YAY to all the YEY

*Young Entrepreneurs of the Year

The Judging Process


In order to celebrate founders from various backgrounds and industries, we’re celebrating founders from the following range of award categories:

  • Canada’s Young Founder of the Year

  • Female Young Founder of the Year

  • Black Young Founder of the Year

  • Indigenous Young Founder of the Year

  • Emerging Young Founder of the Year

  • Environmental Young Founder

  • Disruptive Tech Young Founder

  • Non-Tech Young Founder


Each category will be judged by 3 industry-expert judges.
Judges to be announced soon.

Judging Timeline

  • June 1st: Nominations open

  • September 6: Nominations close

  • Judging phase one, nomination applications

  • September 16: Deadline for video submissions by finalists

  • Judging phase two, video submissions

  • October 8: Finalists notified and invited to Gala

  • November 8th, 2024: Winners announced at YEY Awards Gala in Toronto

Frequently Asked Questions

  • All nominees must be :

    • Under 30 years of age as of the application deadline.

    • Founder, co-founder, or CEO of a public or private company.

    • Residing or doing business in Canada.

  • The 2024 YEY judging process will consist of 2 judging rounds.

    • Round 1: written self or peer nomination. Applications closes on August 2nd, 2024.

    • Round 2 (final judging): video submission. Finalists will be notified on August 19th, 2024 and will have 2 week to submit their video submission.

    All finalists will be invited to the YEY Awards Gala. Winners will be announced on November 8th at the Awards Gala.

  • Here are the 4 key values we think will help us highlight real Canadian entrepreneurship stories: Leadership, Entrepreneurial Spirit, Impact, and Innovation.

  • Wow, you’re a real keener to have made it all the way down here!

    As a reward, here are some pro tips:

    • Tell a story. It’s all about the founder, their journey, and their grit. Showcase the nominee’s impact in their community and how far they’ve come!

    • Show off, this isn’t the time to be humble! We want to hear about the nominee’s big successes and the milestones they’ve achieved.

    • Look to the future. The great thing about being a young founder is that nominees still have a long journey ahead of them. Tell us a bit about the nominee’s future aspirations!

    • Oh and.. don’t copy paste from ChatGPT.